''Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper''

It's a well known phrase but do we follow it???

Breakfast provides the body and the brain the fuel after an overnight fast. from that is were the name originates, Break the fast.  Without breakfast is like Thinking of driving a Car without  Fuel !

Nutritionist Advise:

  • Breakfast should be eaten within 2 hours of waking
  • A healthy breakfast should provide calories in the range of 20-25% of our Daily Allowance

Breakfast also restores the Glucose levels, an essential Carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function well. Apart from providing us energy, Breakfast is a good source of important nutrients such as Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B ,Protein and Fiber.

In India the breakfast options are so vast that we can divide them into categories such as:-

  • Northern India Breakfast
  • Southern India Breakfast
  • Western India Breakfast
  • Continental Breakfast


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