When we say detox , it means to subtract, the intoxication from our body.

Detox water is any infused water recipe that helps flush your system of toxins and improves your health. Some detox water recipes have beneficial ingredients which help your body in some ways (like boost metabolism), but the main beneficial ingredient is water.

Detox drinks consist of a not too complicated combination of various foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots and legumes, especially chosen because of being rich in fibers, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and detoxifying properties that will help the whole body function better.
The consumption of juices like these results in a more efficient function of the digestive system, a stronger immune system, higher energy levels, better body hydration, cleaner and better-looking skin and a reduction of acne-related problems.

How do detox drinks work?
Detoxification, or cleansing, is a process that requires the circulation of detoxifying liquids through the body, so that the organs which are responsible for these functions (like the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin) can fulfill their tasks more easily, without being overloaded.
In order to help the organs eliminate the toxins present in the body, it is possible to make use of detox diets, juices or shakes.
During this process, it is essential to drink a lot of water – one of nature’s best detoxifiers –, consume a lot of superfoods – nutritionally rich foods that provide amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in a totally natural manner – and, if applicable, avoid alcoholic drinks, coffee and tobacco.

                             Ginger, Cucumber, and Mint Lemonade for a Flat Stomach

What You Need to Make the Lemonade
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 lemon(cut in small pieces)
  • 1 medium cucumber(cut in slices)
  • 2 tablespoons of grated ginger
  • 10 mint leaves 
Just need to mix every thing in one big jug and keep it overnight. Then start it drinking the next day onward.


Lemons are a loaded with Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, which aids the body in weight loss. Antioxidants are known to remove toxins (such as fat cells) from the body, which is why lemon water is such a good aid in weight loss. Additionally, Vitamin C found in lemons, is known to boost the immune system.

Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins your body needs every day. Just 1 cucumber contains: an abundance of B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
Fresh Mint
Mint is loaded with strong antioxidants found within the leaves and stems, as well as vitamin A, calcium, folate, potassium, and phosphorus…making it a helpful aid at preventing disease and illness.

Ginger is packed with anti-inflammatory compounds, called gingerols, which experts believe to:
  • help fight some cancers
  • reduce the aches of osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis
  • soothe sore (or, swollen) muscles
  • provide relief for an upset stomach and relaxes & soothes the intestinal tract 


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